Al Ta’leef Institute

The Al Ta’leef Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing high-quality educational resources and programs that enhance the learning experience of the Muslim community. Our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills that will enable them to better serve their communities and fulfill their religious obligations. Whether you are planning to perform umrah or hajj, our extensive library of online courses and resources can help you deepen your understanding of Islamic teachings and traditions.

Our Vision

At the Al Ta’leef Institute, our vision is to foster a vibrant and enlightened Muslim community through accessible and comprehensive educational resources and programs. We strive to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to enrich their lives, strengthen their faith, and contribute positively to their communities.

Our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills that will enable them to better serve their communities and fulfill their religious obligations

Who We Are

Al Ta’leef is a non-profit organization based in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

The organization was established with the goal of promoting knowledge and education within the Muslim community.

Islam places great importance on seeking knowledge as a means of spiritual growth and development. This includes formal education, but also encompasses learning from various sources such as books, scholars, teachers, and even personal experiences and observations.

Muslims are encouraged to share the knowledge they acquire with others, as knowledge is seen as a means of empowering and uplifting the community. Seeking knowledge is a core principle of Islam, and Muslims are constantly encouraged to learn and grow in their understanding of their faith and the world around them.

At Al Ta’leef, we offer a variety of educational resources and programs that cater to different levels of learning and interests. Whether you are planning to perform umrah or hajj, our extensive library of online courses and resources can help you deepen your understanding of Islamic teachings and traditions.

It is in this vein, Al Ta’leef, in its foundation with the community of South Africa establishes its roots in:

Moulana Abdur Rahman Laily
Nadia Jappie
Wahib Kassiem

Our team consists of individuals who have prior experience working in various fields such as ICT, business, healthcare, and more. We have participated in numerous community initiatives and have seen firsthand the positive impact that passionate individuals can have on their communities. Our expertise ranges from online course development to program management and more. We are committed to using our skills and knowledge to uplift and empower the Muslim community.